July 27, 2024

Prelude - Patti Piner

Welcome & Announcements - Lyle Bennett

Opening Hymn - Orchestra*

"All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" #43 vs. 1,3,4

Worship with Kids - Susie Kuhn

Ministry in Music - Orchestra*

“I Will Sing of My Redeemer” #309 vs. 1,2,4

"What a Wonderful Savior" #345 vs. 1,3,4

"His Name is Wonderful" #118

Community Prayer - Andi Clarke

Special Music - Orchestra*

"I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary"

The Message - Joseph Salajan

"Born At a Very Early Age...?"

Matthew 6:25-30 (NKJV)

Closing Song - Orchestra*

“Great is Thy Faithfulness” #139 vs.1,3

Benediction - Joseph Salajan

Postlude - Patti Piner

*Orchestra: Gary Piner, Director

Patty Piner, Pianist

Choristers: Karen & Ronnie Henry, Faith Grace & Ken Woods

"All Hail the Power of Jesus Name"
"I Will Sing of My Redeemer"
"What a Wonderful Savior"
"His Name is Wonderful"
"I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary"
"Great is Thy Faithfulness"

upcoming events

Potluck at Darryl’s: Join us Sabbath, July 27, after church meet at Darryl’s house: 5300 Silverado Trail, Napa. Bring a dish to share.

Men’s Ministry: Sunday, July 28th - 10:00 am departure!

Meet in the FREE parking lot located over the bridge on Mare Island Navel Base Shipyard at 9:30 am. We arrive at Pier 1 in SF at 11:00. Plan to have lunch there or bring your own. Returning home: Boat leaves at 4:00 pm from San Francisco.

Roundtrip ticket is $20; Seniors 65+ is $10.  For more information contact Jeff Allee at 707-718-0491.

Christian Women's Retreat:  Ladies, join us at the Northern California Christian Women's Retreat at Leoni Meadows! There are two weekends to choose from, Oct. 4-6 or Oct. 11-13, with several lodging options. Registration forms will be available next week. See the poster on the outside bulletin board or flyers at the welcome desk.

Our Heartfelt Condolences:  Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Miriam Jobb who recently passed away in Alabama. Miriam was a member of Napa Community SDA Church.

Memorial Service:  Our deepest sympathy to the family of Dudley Galusha who passed away on June 6. Dudley was involved with the construction of our Napa Church. His memorial service will be held July 27th at the Haven Church at 2:30 pm.

Youth Vespers:  Our next Youth Vespers will be Friday, August 2, in the Fireside Room starting at 6:30 pm.

Church Potluck:  Come join us on Sabbath, August 3, for our church potluck in the Fireside Room. Please bring a dish to share.

Kids' Church:  Get ready for another amazing program with music, crafts, stories, and snacks on Sabbath, August 10th!  It all starts at 10 am in the Fireside Room.

Sound Technicians Needed: Training will be provided. If interested, please see Jeff Hemmerlin or Jeremy Piner. You can also leave your name and phone# at the church office.

Part-Time Maintenance: Our Napa Community SDA Church is seeking a part-time maintenance person to join our team. Please contact our church office at with your qualifications and contact information.

Community Services: Closed in July! Please hold all donations until August 6.

NCCE Farmers Market: Our local school has fresh produce all summer on Fridays from Noon-1:00pm

Church Newsletter: Are you receiving the Church Newsletter (eNews)? If not, click here to subscribe

Offering Schedule: Weekly goal: $5,770

Received July 6: $9,424

Received July 13: $1,605

Received July 20: $6,039

Offering Schedule: 7/27/24 - Local Conference Advance

Please place your offering in the wooden box at the rear of the sanctuary or you may donate online at

Sunset tonight8:22 p.m.